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Bay Head & Mantoloking Today™ - Early Fall 2022

Edwin (Ed) O’Malley

As a life-long, year-round resident of the Bay Head and Mantoloking area, Ed combines his outstanding local knowledge and connections with his 20 year...

As a life-long, year-round resident of the Bay Head and Mantoloking area, Ed combines his outstanding local knowledge and connections with his 20 year...

Oct 6 2 minutes read

Bay Head & Mantoloking Today™ - Early Fall 2022

We hope that your fall is off to a good start, and that you were not affected by Hurricane Ian.  Locally, we have experienced more than four days of heavy winds and rains, resulting in beach erosion in Bay Head and Mantoloking. Happily, the winds have died, the rain has stopped, and the sun is now out.  Bay Head's beaches are in worse shape than Mantoloking's - aerial views from after the storm and other photos and videos from during the storm are included in the video below.  The PPBHS town wide garage sale is not taking place this year, but an alternate garage sale event has been scheduled for October 8th, rain date, October 9th.  All participants will be responsible for their own permits. Those interested in participating should email [email protected].  Participating addresses are listed below.

Other News

Bay Head

We are told that the contract for beach renourishment is out for bid, but work would be unlikely to start any sooner than sometime in the late Spring.   We will share more details when we receive them. Bay Head's off season garbage pickup schedule has also started - Monday and Thursday, town-wide, October through March.


Dune grass will be available as of November 4th - oceanfront owners can contact the borough hall to arrange pickup or dropoff.  Also the fall/winter garbage schedule has started - Monday for garbage, Wednesday for recycling, and bulk pickup is the 4th Monday of each month.  


Bay Head - Council Meeting, November 7th, 7:00PM, Planning Board Meeting, November 9th, 6:30PM [Full calendar available here.]

Mantoloking - Council Meeting, October 18th, 5:30PM [Full calendar available here.]

Upcoming Events

The Shark Run 5K has been rescheduled for October 22nd, due to weather.  All other details remain unchanged.

Mantoloking Beach Cleanup - Working together with Clean Ocean Action, the Mantoloking Environmental Commission is hosting a beach cleanup - October 22nd, 9am to 12:30pm, Lyman Street Beach.  Preregistration is required here

"Town Wide" garage sale participants: MANTOLOKING: 106 MATHIS PLACE, 919 EAST AVENUE, 982 BARNEGAT, 300 OLD BRIDGE






In Bay Head and Mantoloking, inventory remains limited, but properties continue to come on the market, and continue to sell.  There are a few properties that are lingering on the market longer than the current average.  Certainly, the recent fluctuation in the stock market and interests rates has had some effect on our market, as has inflation. Our September Market Update can be found here.  

We recently had a closing at 36 Bay Point Harbour ($1,237,500), and received a new listing at 134 Bridge Avenue, Bay Head.  Year to date, our office has had 19 closings in Bay Head and Mantoloking combined, including 7 in which our office represented the buyers and the sellers.  This of course includes a number of our transactions. Our office's most recent significant closing was at 36 Howe Street, Bay Head, at a price of $4,100,000 (asking $4,200,000).  We were also just named Salespeople of the Month for the Bay Head Office for September.  Thank you to our clients, friends, and family who help make this possible!

As always, you can find our current listings here, as well as a number of properties being marketed by agents in our office.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email, and let us know.

Thank you, and have a a great fall!

Suzie and Ed

If you have a question, please reach out!

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have - about the market, your property, or what is going on in town!